Benefits of this include
- Face-to-face interview
- Faster deployment
- Better matching
How does Raymond Maids decide which maids to bring in via APS?
To uphold our recruitment standards, our team will pre-screen each and every APS maid before they are allowed to come in via this scheme. This ensures that each maid will reach a certain minimum standard before they are considered.
Who are APS maids?
APS which stands for Advance Placement Scheme is a MOM (Ministry of Manpower) scheme which allows participating Migrant Domestic Worker agencies or maid agencies in Singapore to bring in a specific number of domestic helpers into Singapore before finding them an employer.
This scheme allows employers who are urgently looking for maids for their house to find someone suitable and onboard them quicker than the usual maid sourcing process.
On top of regular APS maids, Raymond Maids also supports AIC’s Eldercarer Foreign Domestic Worker Scheme.
Do I qualify for APS maids?
You will need to be under concessionary levy ($60/month). You qualify for levy concession if you live with any of the following eligible person who is a Singapore citizen:
Young child below 16 years old.
Elderly person who is at least 67 years old.
Person with disabilities (PWD) – Must be certified by Singapore-registered doctor to require help with at least 1 activity of daily living (ADL), such as showering, feeding, dressing or toileting.
The levy concession for 1 helper is granted based on 1 eligible person in the household. It is capped at 2 helpers per household.
Our APS maids are highly popular with customers as our team makes a significant and sincere effort to interview each and every maid before they come Singapore so that our customers can enjoy a better service from the helpers.